Beautiful pics of Tatu Baby and Astrid Berges Frisbey feet & legs

Katherine Kat Flores has been tattooing professionally for over a decade. Her name has been Tatu baby. Born on October 28th 1987. She was born in Colombia. Discover Tatu's Networth. The relationship she has with her, height and weight. She is an American television personality as well as a tattooist. In 2012, she appeared as a contestant in the reality television show about tattoos called Ink Master Season. She finished fourth in the first season Ink Master. Tatu was third on In the Ink Master finale for season 3. Tatu was the principal character on the initial two seasons of the Cartel Crew reality show in 2019. The show is based on the lives of people in their lives that have connections to drug cartels. Tatu Baby is an American tattooist, who has been tattooing professionally since the age of 19. In a convention for tattoo contests, she was awarded with the Best Of Day Trophy. Tatu's tattoos for babies are renowned for their realistic images in black and gray. Tatu understands that the body is an excellent canvas on which to show their personality. Tatu Baby was disqualified of Ink Master Season 2 after finishing fourth. Ink Master Season 2 tattoo competition after reaching fourth place. Tatu Baby started tattooing at the age of 14 years old. Tatu Baby got tattooed herself at the time and by 19 she became a full-time tattoo artist. Tatu Baby or. Katherine Kat Flores is a American born in Colombia who grew up within Miami Florida. The actress was the daughter of Colombian parents. Her birthplace was in Colombia. parents. As a young girl the father of her was murdered by a rival group. Her mother made the decision to get out of the narcotics trade following the death of her father. Tatu along with her mother together with her friends, were relocated from the city of their birth to Miami Florida. Tatu started her schooling in Miami. College studies were disrupted by her decision to leave. She began tattooing at the age of 14 and became professionally tattooed by the age of 19 years old. Tatu Baby has a brother known as Kenneth Roman.

Astrid Berges is an actor from Spain. She began acting in her school days as she participated in drama classes. She didn't think about acting as a profession at the time due to the nature of rural areas prevented her from thinking about acting. Astrid's features played a crucial part in her obtaining the roles she got later. This girl was blessed with two-toned eyelids due to an inherited condition called Sectoral Heterochromia. Her soft bone structure and accent foreign to her made her the perfect choice to play the part of Sofi in the film I Origins (2014). She says "I always start fresh every time and don't do the same thing again." The actress is both content and anxious about this because she believes each assignment makes her better. Astrid is extremely particular regarding the details of her character. She is very attentive to the character's movements, their speech and behavior. Astrid can speak five languages fluently She speaks five languages fluently - Catalan Spanish Italian French as well as English.

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